Karen and I live in San Antonio, Texas. We have five adult children, four of which are married with seven grandchildren and number eight on The way. I am the Executive Director of the San Antonio Baptist Association and Karen is a licensed clinical social worker in a local hospital. Through the years we have lived in Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Mexico City where we served a Christian missionaries for nine years. My responsibilities were to teach theological classes and start churches using Spanish as our ministry language. I have a BA and a BS from Oklahoma Baptist University as well as a MDivBL and a DMin from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. I served as the Executive Director of the San Felipe Baptist Association in southwest Houston for a little over 10 years before moving to San Antonio. While living in Houston, I taught as an adjunct missions professor at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for eight years. I have taught theological classes in Iquitos, Peru for World Hope Bible Institute, in India for the Victory Baptist Association. I am a mentoring coach for church planters with Texas Baptists as well as a certified Navigator with Church Unique.